Imatge companyia moi jordana circ

Moi Jordana's Circus Company

Our shows

Show where humor, magic and illusion are the protagonists.

A reflection on the comfort zone from the absurd with the poetics of the clown.

Classic circus awarded by the public at the Zirkòlika awards of Circ de Catalunya.

Logo premi Zirkòlika de votació popular

We won the popular vote Zirkòlika Award for “Juggling workshop. The show”.

A highly recommended show. Fun, participatory and dynamic! Brutal props and costumes! congratulations
Bambo Yuk
Great!!!! we all have fun, we share laughs and games as a whole family.
Manuela Pascual
It’s been a lot of fun! For young and old 😀 !!
Lola Cobos

unique moments

Shows for town halls, festivals, fairs and schools.